Friday, August 22

today was okay.
D&T 2 not so fun period. at first mr teo came to try his luck wif mr koh but he failed and had to teach 1B so sad. for us. so we are stuck in a D&T room listenin to things tat is not related to D&T so lame la. i was like askin myself why am i listenin to those lame things but it was actually blindly listenin.nth goes in.everything bounced out. shaun was like half sleepin liaos.... so finally after tat long unrelated to d&T talk we did work . took like so long to draw the plastic mould-a heart shape one. stacia was like almost goin crazy drawin it.
EL learn to write proposal. our class boys link it wif marriage proposal. NO LINK at all la. shun da and darren kanna scolded and punish stand outside class but they were like talkin all the way?? becoz they juz cant shut their mouth hahaha.
MATHS is like OMG mrs loe was like goin to explode anytime liao coz our class simply juz cant get anything right. haiz...
today guai nia go home straight after school 12.30 leh so early. who ask mi want to go home but also got advantage can use COM!!!!. haha. diaozz.

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